The love of companion animals is not understood by everyone, which is why the grief of their loss is so unique, restricted to those of us for whom they were family or the only family.

Join our support group meeting on October 6, 2024, at 2030 hours Indian Standard Time to find solace in the company of kindred souls who understand this unique grief and the undying love of the human-animal bond.

Write to to register and a confirmation that you will attend.

You are welcome to join us from anywhere worldwide as we stand united to sail through the grief.

There is no registration fee as it is a service honuoring our beloved rescued dog daughter, Butter.

The meeting will be moderated by Dr. Kuhu Roy, India's first certified pet loss grief specialist.

In the picture is one of the most innocent dogs we have ever had, named Nahidantji. He was named so because he had no teeth. He was cornered and battered to death a decade ago. He used to salivate a lot owing to no teeth, which was mistaken to be rabies, although he was already vaccinated. Some wounds never heal, his loss is one such.

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