Companion animals become so integral to our lives that we often forget that their life spans are shorter than ours. When their loss hits us, we are reminded of this forgotten aspect of our bond: that physical separation happens, but love always remains, which is why we grieve and mourn their loss.

Join our support group meeting on October 13, 2024, at 2030 hours Indian Standard Time to find solace in the company of kindred souls who understand this unique grief and the undying love of the human-animal bond.

Write to to register and a confirmation that you will attend.

You are welcome to join us from anywhere worldwide as we stand united to sail through the grief.

There is no registration fee as it is a service honouring our beloved rescued dog daughter, Butter.

The meeting will be moderated by Dr. Kuhu Roy, India's first certified pet loss grief specialist.

In the picture is our dearest Grandpa. He often used to get beaten up by his better half, our beloved Budhi. Grandpa crossed over more than a decade ago. He was one of those rare senior stray dogs who was allowed to live all his life at the place he belonged to and was given a burial by the locals, otherwise their bodies are disposed off in garbage. He was given the respect and dignity that all life forms deserve.

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