About three hundred stray dogs are under our at this point at different locations of Baroda. We use on an average 720 kilograms of dog food on a monthly basis for their one hearty meal a day. They are not random dogs. They have been under our lifetime care who are looked after daily, they have a name they identify themselves with. They are fed in clean bowls, given the love and respect they deserve. We believe in active feeding, being present while they eat, wherein that one hearty meal is also a means of bonding to them, observing their behavior, checking on them for any signs of injury or ailment. You can sponsor their meals.

Write to us at info@bridgingrainbows.org to accompany the founder, Mrs. Roy on a soul rewarding five hours round to tend to the stray dogs under our care. Learn how no two dogs are alike, spend quality time with the stray dogs, learn about their behavior, habits, basic dos and don'ts of responsibly taking care of stray dogs.

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