Dogs are forgiving and, unlike us, they do not generalize. Meet our Natkhat who is an example of that. She is one among the hundreds who are looked after by us daily. When you meet her, she will come running in joy and run along the car to the location.

Natkhat's mother was bludgeoned to death on June 4, 2016, by a resident of the area. She did become quiet to perhaps what she must have been a witness to and then picked up life again after some time. If Natkhat was to generalize, she should have hated us humans. She does not. She has forgiven the murderer of her mother and has as much love to offer to anyone who comes to meet her. How forgiving can dogs be? Let's be more specific here, the stray dogs.

Time and again, they have proven to be our best friend while we continue to be their worst enemy.


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