Nancy was a mere two-month-old pup when she came under our care with her sibling, Daisy and mother, Bhuri in 2007. They were seeking refuge under a car in the middle of a heavy downpour. When it stopped raining, Bhuri was unsure, but at the sight of the food bowl, she came out and so did her two daughters. That started our bond. Daily feeding, in addition to love and care, made the trio overtly affectionate. Bhuri had a bout of stomatitis and before she could be taken to the vet, someone picked her up without information and we never saw Bhuri again. Nancy and Daisy were distraught after losing their mother, especially when happiness had just become a constant in their life. Life is unfair to stray dogs, a lot. The sisters gathered themselves, as most strays do, to adjust to the hardships of life but our daily ten minutes of undivided love and attention brought them back to their jovial self. When they came of age, both were taken for spaying, to add dignity to their lives. We were at peace that, unlike Bhuri, atleast Nancy and Daisy would just live for themselves. A rare privilege in the life of a stray.

The siblings had returned hale and hearty post surgery. Then, a week down the line, Nancy's life was abruptly cut short when she was found dead at the same spot, mowed down, where she used to wait for us everyday.

From then to now, not much has changed. Stray dogs are still run down every day, they die or are crippled for life in hundreds and thousands, but no such data is maintained. Compassion and kindness are the most effective solutions to many problems, addressing the burning issue of animal road hits, being one among them.

To speak up for dogs like Nancy and other animals who are mercilessly mowed down on the roads, record a short clip to raise awareness and share it at or simply put up a placard to #giveanimalsabrake

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