We all need our space and time to grieve and mourn the loss of our beloved companion animals. Some of us also seek the company of listening to those sailing in the same boat, who understand where our emotions stem from. This not only helps validate our grief but also makes us understand that we are not alone.

Join us for support group meetings every second, third (anticipatory grief) and fourth Sunday of the month at 2030 hours Indian Standard Time. Your geographical location will not be a limitation, you are welcome to join the support group no matter where you reside. We stand together in the hour of grief. To attend the informal meet, please email info@bridgingrainbows.org for the meeting ID and passcode with a confirmation that you will attend.

There is no participation fee as it is a service in honour of our rescued dog named Butter.

The meetings are moderated by Dr. Kuhu Roy, India's first certified pet loss grief specialist.

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