The next story in the give animals a brake series is of Ghoplu, who transitioned from a once paralysed stray pup to a handsome pet dog. 

Winter was at its peak in 2015 when Ghoplu was rescued and brought home late in the night. He was barely a month old then. All his siblings had died one after the other in road hits and Ghoplu, the lone survivor, met the same fate as them but with his hind legs paralysed. He was timid and shivering; from the trauma of the accident and the unfamiliar surroundings, his new home. 

The following day when the vet had a look at him, he was not very sure if Ghoplu would ever walk, given the damage sustained to his legs and spine. The easy way out was to let him go and the tougher choice was to give him an opportunity and a chance that every dog deserves no matter how bad the situation be. 

Daily sun exposure, calcium, good protein, Tweeky and Orange, to call them his adoptive parents, Chhutki, his partner in crime, Georgina, the disciplinarian, by the end of 2016, no one could say Ghoplu was ever paralysed.

His presence at home and especially when he runs around serves as a reminder to always keep faith, because miracles happen and he is a living testament to that.

Pups like Ghoplu are usually sent to a shelter. But how many paralysed pups get a second chance at life? Can we brake for all the animals just as we would for a fellow human? Their lives matter as much.

To speak up for animals like Ghoplu who deserve compassion and kindness, write to to take part in the give animals a brake campaign. 

#straydogs #giveanimalsabrake 


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