The next story in the give animals a brake series is that of Baldev, the one with whom my life is deeply intertwined.

Baldev led most of his life on the streets under our care. He was a frugal eater constantly on the move. He loved roaming around. However, on 9th November 2021, he was lying stunned on the side of a road with no signs of injuries whatsoever, but both his hind knees badly broken. Whoever the sick mind was, atleast spared his life. I picked up Baldev and there was no recognition for me. Motan, his sister, watched with frightened eyes, perhaps having witnessed what her beloved brother went through.

Baldev was that one dog who was not happy even when home. Not being able to walk had demoralized him to the core. Stray dogs are very self respecting and they hate dependency of any unnecessary sort. It took a zillion efforts to pull Baldev out of depression, to make him feel life again. We enjoyed our time together. After months of effort, this giant of a dog started to love moving around on my lap. It is a daily practice ever since. His eyes glitter and his face glows when we move about the house together. Baldev believes that there is a lot to life, an accident did dent his spirit, but certainly could not kill that. His personality commands so much respect that he is the pack's leader to the other adopted canines at home. His day begins with disciplining Zenobia, the young rebel. Given the outdoor dog he always was, he sits in the open space where he is able to see the sky, trees and birds of all kinds, enjoys the company of Jammy, his best friend and Ghoplu, his adoptive son, and returns to his bed after spending a fruitful day, happily tired. Baldev is my hero and I am very lucky to have him. When I tend to him, I always think of Adam.

It is anybody’s guess when Baldev despite being in a home environment, well fed, medicated, looked after, loved and wanted was so emotionally hit, imagine the plight of millions of paralysed stray dogs living in shelters across India. Can we fathom living in a paralytic condition at a place unknown to us, that too in confinement and with no hope?

Strays paralyzed in a road hit need love and a home, NOT A SHELTER. But the fact is, how many paralysed dogs get a home? Who wants them?

If you feel the pain of animals whose lives are brutally cut short or paralysed in a road hit, write to to take part in the give animals a brake campaign.

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