The next story in the give animals a brake series is of Apple, whose heart was as big and full of love as his size.

Apple and his sibling Blackberry were apparently dumped at a private vet’s premises when they were barely a couple of months old. They duo made the clinic their home and how.

From the little bundles of joy, both grew to plump health with daily food at the vet, and when either of us dropped by at the clinic, practically everyday with some or the other dog in need of help, the two got bonus meals from us. They became healthier post spay and neuter. Infact, a gentleman once put forward a request at the vet that if Apple would have pups (who took him to be a pregnant dog), he would take one of them home.

Apple handled the reception at the clinic. He would lie down at the center during the rush hour waiting for a belly rub from anyone and everyone who would drop by. He had a lot of love to give but a handful few were deserving of it. From a distance he appeared to be like a gunny bag full of potatoes. As for Blackberry, she was the gifted nurse dog, whose presence was therapeutic to animals and humans alike. We just cannot thank her enough for the number of times she was there to provide emotional support during the most trying of times.

Then one day when Apple was out for a stroll, someone hit him, viciously. The following morning his howls were heard from the basement. He had dragged himself to safety after the brutal road hit and he died of internal injuries hours later. Neither of us got to say him a bye and we were shocked to learn about the end he met with. He was a constant we were habituated to having around every time we dropped by at the clinic. Is that painful death what Apple deserved?

Countless animals continue to meet the dreaded fate that Apple did. Feel their pain? Speak up for them in your own creative ways to bring forth their plight. Write to to take part in the give animals a brake campaign.

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