Are you seeking a compassionate, non-judgmental space to find support for the grief of losing your companion animal?

We invite you to join our upcoming support group meeting for those navigating the loss of a homed or un-homed companion animal. This session will take place on January 19th, 2025, at 2030 hours IST, where you will find comfort in the company of individuals who understand the unique grief tied to the deep bond we share with our companion animals.

To register, please write to, and confirm your attendance.

We welcome participants from around the world—together, we will navigate this journey of grief.

This meeting is offered free of charge, as a service in memory of our beloved rescued dog daughter, Butter. The session will be moderated by Dr. Kuhu Roy, India’s first certified Pet Loss Grief Specialist.

In loving memory, we share a photo of our dearest Orange who crossed over five years ago.

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