There is uneasiness, anxiety, and fear when we reel under anticipatory grief. We are so lost thinking about our lives without that beloved companion animal (homed - pets, un-homed - strays) that we forget to make the most of the time we are left with them.
The Bridging Rainbows Foundation anticipatory grief support group provides the strength and courage to navigate through this tough phase. Often those precious companion animals join in as well and we let them know how much loved they are and that our bond with them will not come to an end with their physical absence.
To join the fraternity of those who understand where you come from, allow you to be vulnerable, and share the deepest emotions without the fear of being judged, please join the anticipatory grief support group meeting slated for May 19, 2024 at 2030 hours Indian Standard Time. Please write to for the meeting ID and passcode and a confirmation that you would attend.
You are welcome to join from anywhere around the world.
There is no participation fee as it is a service in honour of our beloved rescued dog daughter, Butter.
The informal support group gathering will be moderated by Dr. Kuhu Roy, India's first certified pet loss grief specialist.
#supportgroup #petloss #companionanimals #petlosssupport #anticipatorygrief #griefandloss