Adarsh has been under our lifetime care programme
since the past year and a half. He is friendly, but from a distance. Last month
Adarsh met with an accident wherein the impact with the vehicle made the
radiator burst and the boiling coolant burnt his skin. He went into hiding and
could not be found despite every effort to search him. He was found four days
later, shivering in an under construction site, with his wound having blisters.
The first day picture could not be clicked because he was mortally afraid and
the priority was to medicate and feed him. Another challenge was to heal his
wound without dressing because he did not even come close to stand. After
twelve days of on the spot medication, all that Adarsh now has is a scar.
Adarsh is one among the
countless who has healed on the roads. To sponsor the first aid of injured dogs
like him, please consider contributing to our non profit. Please visit for the details.